Private Reflections of a Mom with Health Issues

Scripture: “She opens her arms to the poor and extends her hands to the needy” (Proverbs 31:20 NIV).                                             

From My 2010 Journal:

There are a plethora of lush green leaves on the tree outside. I can almost see a bird’s nest, but the leaves obscured it from view. What a beautiful picture of God’s provision: The season for nesting coincides with trees bursting forth in leaves that provide shelter. I realized that He who provides protection for the least of these also extends it to my young.

God has provided for me in the midst of my pain, illness, and inability to physically care for my children. Compassionate teachers and godly women who pray, cook, and grocery shop for my family are all branches that support us and leaves that shield us from the heat of this season. My family nests safely in their protection and provision before we are able to take flight once again. 

I am so grateful for those who stay “green” in the Lord that they may be of use to help shelter and care for those in need. They are “like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither” (Psalm 1:3). Their arms are like open branches, ready to support those who may need to rest in the shade of their kindness.

Prayer: Lord, thank you that you richly provide for our needs in every season. I am grateful for your provision for us, but I confess it is hard to watch my children being cared for by others when I so desperately want to be well enough to care for them myself. Help me to trust that you are doing a work in all our hearts. Teach my family how to receive with thankfulness and how to give with joy. Amid the uncertainties caused by my failing health, teach us all that you are the unshakeable God who never fails. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

 Points to Ponder:

1.     Compassionate teachers and godly women who pray, cook, and grocery shop for my family are all branches that support us and leaves that shield us from the heat of this season. Is it difficult to accept help from others? If so, why? How does receiving support connect us with others?

2.     Do you ever resent needing to rely on someone else's help? If so, does that resentment affect your relationship with the person who is helping you? Recognizing this dynamic can be the first step to a better relationship with them.  

Photo Credit: Unsplash @lbmartin12


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